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Churches in Port Macquarie


At Divergent Church Port Macquarie we believe Church is not simply an event you attend but a community of people living out the life of Christ, for his cause, acting as catalysts to bless a world that does not know Jesus.

If you are keen to understand a little more about the reason for our name, our mission and vision a good place to start is WHY DIVERGENT?

​This page also has other videos and information on our heart and approach. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. 


We look forward to seeing you soon!

Phil, Terri & the Divergent Church Port Macquarie family 



Other Locations



Divergent Church Port Macquarie is part of the Australian Christian Churches / Assemblies of God in Australia movement.

Churches Port Macquarie
Divergent Church Port Macquarie

Divergent Church Port Macquarie loves Christ, restores families and serves university students in Port Macquarie.

We‘re accredited foster carers who believe in the redemptive power of bringing families back together.

Come connect into community as we live for Christ together!

Church Port Macquarie

We partner with CSU Port Macquarie to run a sausage sizzle Friday nights. Want to serve with us?

Let's talk.


Our core heart is to make "all in disciples devoted to his kingdom" (yes, we also think that is a slightly awkward sentence ;). For more information on our mission and culture as a Church check out a blog by one of our key leaders here.

Our community is shaped around five key focuses drawn from Ephesians 4.


These being Missional, Relational, Biblical, Supernatural and Global.

We believe that the best form for a community follows solid clear Biblical focuses.



Have a heart for the next generation?

Don't bag them. Give them a hand.

If you're newly graduated, come alongside us as we connect with students working out their next steps - add a bit of family, fun and faith. Not only are we serving students in Port Macquarie, but our church is connected to students at ANU and UC in Canberra.

Drop us a line if you're interested. 

Restoring families.  

We're accredited foster carers who believe in the redemptive power of bringing families back together. 


Safeguarding a generation. We serve with Red Frogs alongside other churches to provide a positive peer presence in alcohol-fuelled environments where young people gather; educate young people on safe partying behaviours; and promote alcohol-free and/or diversionary activities that engage young people in these environments.

Understanding Divergent Church Port Macquarie

Contact us
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"All in Disciples devoted to his Kingdom come"

Our focus at Divergent Church Port Macquarie is not on providing numerous consumer-driven programs nor competing against the entertainment industry. Our pursuit is to help people become disciples who reflect Christ and dedicate themselves completely to His Kingdom.

For a deeper look into the biblical foundations and vision behind our mission, check out the article:

OUR MISSION – Learn about Divergent Church Port Macquarie and Its Mission.

I’m not often at the coast, but once I a

Divergent Church Port Macquarie is

“ONE Church, expressing ourself in community and mission in multiplying community based and focused churches”

The basis for our church doctrine (ecclesiology) comes from the biblical and historical practice of multiple local communities gathering consistently to create a unified Church within a specific city or region instead of depending on a single-cell model for local churches. God perceives a single Church in the Canberra region that exists beyond denominational divisions.

Studies reveal that church planting reaches its fullest potential when it creates multiplying local community churches that maintain interdependent connections instead of creating fully independent congregations.

For a deeper dive into our commitment to a movement-oriented church model, check out this blog by Josh.

The article titled "Movement or Monument" explores the structure and purpose of Divergent Church Canberra.

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At Divergent Church Port Macquarie we are passionate about the word of God, and the Spirit who inspired us. 

It is through the written word, and through the leading, guidance and gifts of the Spirit that his will is seen expressed in our lives. 

To see our specific doctrinal statements please go through the link below. 

What we believe


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